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The news site of University City High School

The Commander

The news site of University City High School

The Commander

The news site of University City High School

The Commander

2011-2012 Staff

Kimberly Fitchmun

Kimberly Fitchmun

Kimberly Fitchmun is the business manager for the 2014-15 UCHS Commander. As such, she is in charge of coordinating  advertisements that go in the hard copy of every issue. She is a senior, with this being her fourth and final ...

Samantha Wang

Samantha Wang

Samantha Wang is thrilled to be a part of The Commander for her fourth year. As Editor-in-Chief, she hopes to make the paper more interesting, relatable, and student-centered this year. Wang is excited for this year and all th...

Alex Patchett

Alex Patchett

Alexandria Patchett is a returning journalism student from her early high school years who joined staff her senior year. Patchett has loved reading her entire life and her steady devouring of novels has led her to a passion to...

Samantha Wang

Samantha Wang

Hey everyone! My name is Samantha Wang, and I am one of the News Editors for this 2012-2013 school year. I’m a sophomore this year and that sadly means only 3 more years of the Commander Newspaper. I am super excited ...

Isabelle Pham

Isabelle Pham

Hello everyone! My name is Isabelle H. Pham, but please just call me Belle. I’m a junior attending UCHS and this is my second year on staff in journalism. My job is unlike everyone else’s. Instead of typing articles on the...

Jack Minnick

Jack Minnick

Hi my name is Jack Minnick, and I am a senior at UCHS. This is my second year as an Editor-in-Chief after being the sports editor of the Commnander. I am a fourth year journalism student. Though the Commander is going through ...

Austin Carteron

Austin Carteron

This is Austin, a small short kid who is in fact very hyper most of the time. He’s the Photography Editor for the 2012-2013 school year. When he’s not stuffing his face with sugar or playing video games, he’s taking and...

Carli Kenyon

Carli Kenyon

A day in the life as Carli Kenyon is always exciting. Loving fashion and makeup, I strive to be creative with new eye shadows and frilly skirts. I love trying new things, especially food. My favorite is Japanese and of course,...

Kimberly Fitchman

Kimberly Fitchman

As a staff writer, geek, bread addict, and procrastinator, Kimberly Fitchmun looks forward to writing informative articles for The Commander, ideally through her four years at UCHS. She became interested in journalism when she...

Hannah Do

Hannah Do

Mara Aure, fellow mortals! That is correct; that means “hello” in Elvish, a language spoken by elves. Hannah is currently learning this language. Hannah is a fun-loving weirdo who enjoys expressing herself through writing...

Tiffany Allen

Tiffany Allen

As one of the newest contributions to the UCHS Commander and this journalism family, I am prepared to plunge into the world of investigative journalism. I'm Tiffany a.k.a Tiff-Tiff and my main goal this school year is to give...

Nick Men

Nick Men

The name's Detective Nick Men. I serve as one of the prime investigators working for The Commander's journalism force. Due to my extensive background knowledge accessed from CSI: NY, Law & Order: SVU, and other considerable exp...

Samantha Wang

Samantha Wang

Hello everyone! My name is Samantha Wang and I am a freshman at UCHS. For this 2011-2012 school year, I am a Co-Business Manager and also one of the new Staff Writers. I’ve always enjoyed writing and I was so excited to take...

Tara Kappel

Tara Kappel

Hi everyone! My name is Tara Kappel and I’m new to the Commander Staff as a Junior this year. I have always loved reading the daily newspaper, so I am very excited to be able to be a part of one. Aside from journalism, I play f...

Alex Doan

Alex Doan

¡Hola! Me llamo es Alex Doan and I am a writer on the UCHS Commander staff. This is my first year in journalism and I am loving it so far. I chose this class because I wanted to do something different that would make me a better...

Olivia Litsey

Olivia Litsey

Hi everyone!  My name is Olivia and I am a junior at UCHS.  This is my first year in journalism, so I am new to the Commander Staff.  My favorite subject has always been English, so I am very excited to be a part of journali...

Mira Santos

Mira Santos

Sports Editor Mira Santos envisions an interactive sports page, that students can relate to, for this 2011-2012 school year.  She aspires to make the sports page more visually appealing and to also give recognition to the underappreciated...

Bahar Moshtaghian

Bahar Moshtaghian

Hi everyone! My name is Bahar, and I'll be one of the Editors-in-Chief for the Commander this year. My main objective is to provide an informative, yet entertaining newspaper that is relevant to every student at the school. The staf...

Jack Minnick

Jack Minnick

Hey, my name is Jack Minnick and I am a Co-Editor-in-Chief of this year’s Commander. I am a junior and I am excited for the 2011-2012 school year. My main goal for this year’s paper is for more of the general population at UC to...

Mary Lonsdale

Mary Lonsdale

As the 2012-2013 Commander Opinion's Editor, Mary Lonsdale aims to provide UC students with information and perspectives on various topical issues both world and campus-wide. She wants to help students recognize that the seem...

Caroline Luong

Caroline Luong

Hello everyone! My name is Caroline and I will be the News Editor for this 2011-2012 year. My main goal is to inform you all with the important events that affect our lives not only as individuals, but students as well. I’m...