Powder Puff: Seniors Score in the Second Half
he seniors face off against the juniors, preparing to defeat them on offense.
April 8, 2016
This year, UC High had another exhilarating powder puff game, and it left the players, coaches, and spectators thrilled. As always, the game was between the seniors and juniors and took place on Friday, March 18 at UC High’s football field. It was a competitive and close-matched game that ended with the seniors taking the win with a score of 6-0.
Senior Coach Drake Aguon was elated to coach such a wonderful group of girls and take home the win.“It was a lot of fun coaching football with my teammates, winning and being able to bring all these girls together while getting them on the same page to play in the game,” said Aguon. Practice is what really got this team settled for the big game. “Our practices consisted of a lot of learning the basics of football and how to run plays, this really payed off in the game because our plays ran smoothly on the field,” explained Aguon. Coaching really meant a lot to Aguon. “I loved coaching such an awesome group of girls, some of whom I had never talked to before, and by the end of it, they all turned out to be really cool. They made it a lot of fun to coach this year, and I couldn’t have asked for a better team,” said Aguon.
Senior Player Abby McGee was ecstatic over her own and the team’s performance with the little time they had for practice. “We could have improved on a few small things such as getting the handoffs under control, and our secondary defense could’ve used more practice, but I think we did really well considering how much time we had to practice!” said McGee. “My favorite part of the game would have to be my touchdown! It’s just such a good feeling to run a ball into the end zone,” said McGee. As it was a close game, McGee acknowledges the juniors’ effort in the game. “The juniors played really well. They had a great throwing game, but our defense contained them really well. Overall, they were well coached and it was a super competitive game!” said McGee.
Junior Coach Reid Speicher was looking forward to next year and was already finding ways to improve. “Some important keys that I’m going to work on for next year are within the defense, especially the defensive ends so they can stop the run outside,” said Speicher. Speicher didn’t know how the game was going to turn out but he did know his team very well.”Practices were a little rough, so I didn’t know how the game was going to turn out, but our team executed really well, and I’m very proud of them,” said Speicher. “I think my team is very skilled, we have a strong receiver core, some pretty fast running backs and gifted quarterbacks,” explained Speicher.
Junior Player Michelle Baddour was proud of her team and sees the room for improvement. “I think we should have practiced blocking a little more because we struggled with this during the game,” explained Baddour. “I think as a team, we need to understand the plays better so they can run more smoothly during the game,” said Baddour. Even though the juniors lost, Baddour and the rest of her teammates had a lot fun participating in the game. “My favorite part of the game was when I caught the ball in the last 30 seconds, which gave my team a chance for a final touchdown,” explained Baddour.
Cheerleader Josh Martinez had a blast while supporting the seniors in his new cheer squad. “My experience as a cheerleader was pretty fun and exciting,” explained Martinez.
“My favorite part as a cheerleader was when [Senior] Colton Fox and I were walking up to the bathroom and was stopped by an old lady who wanted to take a picture and explained how we were the best part of the whole game,” said Martinez. After experiencing a game as a cheerleader, Martinez has a new view upon the UC High cheerleaders. “Cheerleading is actually kinda difficult and it was pretty exhausting yelling and standing in the cold,” explained Martinez.