Pro-life activists are the voices of unborn babies who fight to protect those babies’ right to life. Unfortunately, abortion is legal in the United States, allowing expectant mothers across the nation to kill the innocent lives inside of them. The issue of unwanted pregnancies does not only include the wishes of the mothers, but the rights of the children to fulfill their potentials as a human beings. For their sakes, abortion should be outlawed in the US.
Government decisions (are supposed to) represent the collective beliefs of the people as a whole, and are particularly important with respect to controversial issues. When dealing with abortion, a medical procedure that uniquely involves the death of a human being without his/her consent, strict government regulation is especially necessary. Abortion does not only concern the life of one human, the mother, but also that of a second life, the unborn child. In the Declaration of Independence, our Founding Fathers shared the vision that “…all men are created equal, [and] that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” An unborn child is no exception to this American principle. It is the responsibility of the nation to stand up for the rights of these unborn children and to save their lives. “Under any circumstance, a child has a right to live,” said Senior James Orsulak.
Even if a woman has been molested or is forced into an unwanted pregnancy, the degradation of the value of a human life, solely due to his/her parent’s circumstances or medical condition, is immoral and unfair. In an article from the National Review’s website, former President Ronald Reagan writes that “… [the] social acceptance of abortion is a defiance of the long-held Western ethic of intrinsic and equal value for every human life regardless of its stage, condition, or status.” Reagan also mentions the case of “Baby Doe,” an unborn baby that was starved in the womb and aborted, simply because it had Down’s syndrome ( A baby should not be forced to die, simply because it is inconvenient for the mother. Human life is priceless and to value a normal baby more than a baby inflicted with a medical condition is unethical and inhumane.
If abortion is banned, many women with unwanted pregnancies will be more likely give birth to their babies and give them up for adoption to caring families afterwards, rather than put themselves in a high-risk situation and abort their babies in an unsafe environment. According to the Guttmacher Institute, in the US, on average, 1.1 million women have aborted their babies every year, since the 1973 legalization of abortion ( This means millions of innocent lives are taken every year. A ban on abortions would not only save lives like these, but encourage other alternatives to abortion such as adoption.
Abortion should be banned, as every prevented abortion is a life saved. Every birth is a gift. Every baby is one more person on this earth that deserves the chance to enjoy life and explore its wonders and mysteries.