April fools, an iconic holiday known for silly pranks that are bound to create memories full of fun and laughs. With this hilarious holiday being only a few days away, here are the Top Ten Best April Fools Pranks to play on one’s friends, family, students or even teachers.
10.) Whoopie Cushion – The all-time classic whoopie cushion has been around since the 1930s, making it the perfect timeless prank to play on your loved ones. This blow up cushion can be purchased for as little as 99 cents and is one of the easiest jokes, as one simply has to hide it on a person’s chair before they sit down. The cushion will then emit a loud sound resembling that of passing gas, causing everyone’s heads to turn and the victim of the prank to turn red with embarrassment!
9.) Fake Insects – For friends and family members with phobias of all things creepy crawly, grab some fake insects or spiders and hide them around the house. Sit back, relax, and wait for them to freak out in belief that the plastic figures are the real thing!
8.) Rick-roll Phone Prank – This quintessential hoax is the perfect trick to play on any unsuspecting phone user. Simply instruct a loved one to dial the phone number (248) 434-5508. Then, watch as the dialer’s face shifts as they hear Rick Astley’s classic “Never Gonna Give You Up” emitting from their phone!
7.) Jell-O Trap – This prank, as seen numerous times on the hit T.V. show The Office consists of hiding an important belonging of someone’s (such as their car keys or wallet) in Jell-O before the dessert turns firm. After the Jell-O settles, your friend’s precious possessions will be trapped in a sticky sweet prison. Simply leave the final result on their desk or kitchen counter and kick back as they either attempt to melt the Jell-O or even better, eat it!
6.) Getting Fired – This prank will definitely ruffle some feathers. To all the working teens, call your parents with a somber voice, and say something unfortunate happened at work. As their stomach gets queasy, tell them you got fired!
5.) Celebrity dying – As seen all over social media, one person tells the other their favorite celebrity passed away. Those that are die-hard fans of a certain celebrity will be riddled with shock!
4.) Broken TV – This harmless joke will get any TV owner fuming. Search up a photo of a broken TV and broadcast it to the screen. To complete the prank, act as if something hit the TV when your subject walks in. Their mind will automatically believe that their beloved television has been ruined.
3.) Failing a class – Caution: this prank may get you grounded. Tell your parents you failed one of your classes, and seal the deal with a big red F drawn on a recent test. Your parents will be in for a wild ride!
2.) Hot sauce in drink – When they’re not looking, place a straw into a hot sauce packet or small container with a spicy condiment inside of your friend or family member’s drink and close the lid. Take out your phone, hit record, and watch the chaos unravel.
1.) Car Sign – An iconic joke often used for birthdays works even better on April Fool’s, especially for all new teen drivers. Simply grab a piece of paper to write a silly joke on such as “honk and wave.” Next, stick it to the back of a friend’s car, and watch the driver get angry as the cars that pass honk, leaving them clueless.